sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Me ha llegado un email en el que nos comentan que ya podemos empezar a escribir nuestros "Christmas" o felicitaciones de Navidad. El lunes os diré a qué países las enviaremos, de los cuales recibiremos las suyas... Os dejo el email para qu leáis si queréis:

Hello to all,
as some people didn't get my previous email, I forward it here:

  1. In this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wRboIA0Dsl6fMqvYCC6DKEfaHmCh612IPcdzBtGTgHs/edit?usp=sharing you will find your team. You can only view the spreadsheet and you cannot make changes. To     identify your name easier you can use the Ctrl + F and write your name. Please look carefully   and not be in a hurry. All the previous years, I had several mails of teachers complaining they could not     find their name but the name was there. Also, if you filled in the form and you still cannot find your name it means you didn't completed correctly and nothing can be done.
  2. Each team has 6-7 people so you will have to send cards to the 5 or 6 members of your group. Send them by ordinary post (envelope-stamps), the traditional way! If you want you can send an additional card to a   member of another group and surprise him/her!!! It's a festive time after all :-)
  3. You need to prepare/buy and send one card to each member of your group. As long as you participate in the activity, please DO send your cards, your colleagues will be disappointed if they make the effort and their group members don't.
To prepare your cards:
  1. Buy or create your cards.
  2. Write your wishes in English and in your language
  3. On the left side of the card write just the name of a Christmas or New Year's tradition from your country. It will be better to write a different tradition in each card you send.
  4. Post your cards to your colleagues
  5. Once you receive your cards, check the name of the traditions you have in your cards and search in the internet to discover what it is about.
  6. Go to: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GWVTPrOFNiel-lf491dTTda_ZwtKqYh6Dvhx3jV7ei0/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Create a slide like the example on slide 2. Write about what you have learnt for the traditions of your colleagues. Before you add your slide, check if the tradition is already there. If yes, you can add some more info to the existing slide.
  8. Go to the last slide with the name Contributors and add your name
  9. At the end we will create a nice collaborative  e-book with our traditions on Christmas and New Year
DEADLINES: Send your cards by 31st  December
                       Create your slides by 31st  January
Let's start celebrating and spreading smiles!!!
Warm Regards,

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